Space Salvager –

Just a quick fix for a few issues: Fixed an issue where the collision manager can sometimes cause an unhandled exception. Fixed an issue where the settings page was not saving/loading the settings. Added music/effects volume controls for the settings page.

Space Salvager – 1.4.3 Updates Pt. 5

This is just a summary update for all the patches in 1.4.3. There's been a lot going on since Space Salvager came out on Steam last November, lots of fixes and improvements that people have been asking for. There's a few more improvements coming for the following weeks and I aim to keep everyone updated … Continue reading Space Salvager – 1.4.3 Updates Pt. 5

Space Salvager – Release Schedule

Thought it might be a good idea to outline the current platforms and release deadlines, because apart from inside my own head and a poorly updated spreadsheet on dropbox, it's not publicly out there. Patch: 1.4.0 30/08/13 - ShinyLoot Patch: 1.4.1 29/10/13 - Gameolith 05/11/13 - IndieGameStand Regular 12/11/13 - IndieGameStand Exclusive Patch: 1.4.2 19/11/13 … Continue reading Space Salvager – Release Schedule